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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BlueberriBeads & Thea Elements Challenge Hop!

For this exciting challenge, Caroline of BlueberriBeads and Lesley of Thea Elements combined and sent us all a package of some of each of their creations! The pieces I got weren't my usual color scheme, but that's why this is a challenge, right? Fortunately, there was a gem show in town between when I received my package and when it was time for the reveal. I picked up some beads that worked perfectly in one of my pieces. I created three.

The first, and my favorite piece, is the bracelet.

I just love Lesley's bracelet focal! And I am a copper girl, so this went well with a clasp I'd previously made. Caroline's sea urchin bead is adorable, so I wanted that to be in the front. Also Caroline's are the dotted bead, which matches the colors of the focal perfectly, and the cream colored bead to its left. The new beads I got are the three coppery glitter quartz beads. But for the fact that I just don't wear this color scheme, I would probably wear this bracelet constantly!

Next up is Necklace #1.

This one's all Caroline. I added a vintage gold spacer and a matching newly purchased crystal and hung her raku bead and pendant from a vintage gold chain. It's a simple design, but I thought the focal was ornate enough that it didn't need a flashy design. It's very pretty and delicate, and would be great for daily wear.

Lastly, I stepped WAY outside of the box with Necklace 2.

I didn't feel like this focal went with any of Caroline's ceramic beads, and I was happy with the way I'd already combined them (in my pre-making trials). I didn't want to just hang the focal on chain, and I REALLY lack a big assortment of beads these colors. Finally, I realized that yellow sea glass I'd been wondering what to do with for so long was actually just the right color. In the same box those are stored in, I have a collection of Tagua samples I ordered last year. The orange ring is actually Tagua Nut. I also used some new copper glass spacers, and voila! I had a very modern-arty looking necklace. I love when something comes together that you would never dream up in a million years had you not been given such a challenge. 

It's been really fun, and I can't wait to see what everyone else did. Please make sure to check out all the other blogs, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Everything looks great, Heidi! You did great with colors you don't usually use and the last necklace worked out really nicely considering that it really is a departure from your usual style.

    *Nice work!*

  2. Absolutely lovely pieces all three of them!!!!

  3. Heidi these are all great designs but I really love the last one - that sea glass is great and you've created a really striking piece of art jewellery despite it being challenging. Well done you and thanks for taking part.

  4. Love what you've done with the components Heidi, especially the bracelet :) Claire x

  5. Beautiful pieces, I especially love the bracelet.

  6. Oh, I really love all your pieces. Fascinating bracelet and the necklaces are simple but so attractive. The last one is my favourite; the colours are so wonderfull.

  7. Love them! And I love that you got a bead shopping trip out of the challenge too!
    I'm going with the crowd to say that the sea glass necklace is my favourite, the colour is beautiful! Thank you for taking part in our challenge, I'm thrilled to see that you enjoyed it!

  8. I agree, that last necklace is very modern looking. You did well, I would have had a hard time with that color scheme as well. I can see why the bracelet is your fave, those glittery beads just set the stage to sit and admire the rest of the bracelet. Well done!!

  9. Great work - I particularly love you colour combination in the last necklace.

  10. All the pieces are so pretty, but my favorite is the bracelet! Good job!

  11. Very pretty pieces. Love the bracelet, I could wear that every day. Lovely combo of beads and colours. I agree with you with the first necklace, this gorgeous pendant doesn't need much. Very elegant. And the second necklace is fun and colour ful. Love it.

  12. Necklace number 1 is my favourite. As you said, it is easy to wear everyday!


  13. All three pieces are beautiful, though I think the bracelet is my favorite.

  14. Love the use of the yellow sea glass in the final necklace.

  15. I love love love that bracelet its so subtle and classy and your first necklace is just amazing,but i adore your 2nd one its such a mix of funky and fun and yet it still is so wearable all gorgeous

  16. I think from now, the first is my favorite piece too. And I just love the designs and colors of other jewelry too. All the three are looking cool.

  17. Those yellow faceted sea glass beads go perfectly with that focal, don't they? Love your pieces, they are gorgeous.

  18. I really love your second piece but the yellow faceted sea glass looks great with that focal. I would wear! Great job :))))

  19. I don’t know how these necklaces are designed but we should appreciate to the designer of these great jewelry stuffs. There is no unique design if you compare one with another. I like sea glass among all. Really it’s amazing one.

  20. i love the giant sea glass in that necklace!

  21. All the three pieces are beautiful..I just love the last one,it's amazing.You can try for Larimar gemstone jewelry.Larimar is one of the rarest gems on earth. As such, its value continues to go up making larimar Stone a beautiful and wise investment.Larimar stones and amber stones are very rare species of gems, only found in Dominican Republic.

  22. All of them are really lovely and beautiful i love them very much.

  23. Amazing post with lots of informative and useful and amazing content. Well written and done!! Thanks for sharing keep posting.


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