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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

No Time to be Chatty

My productive streak has indeed continued. Hooray!

I made a Shannon Levart inspired bracelet.

And several pairs of earrings (including one for myself, not pictured). 

And just because I'm always talking about my dog, I thought I'd include pictures of our cat. I had to buy her this fancy contraption to elevate her food so the dog couldn't reach it. It took a few days to adjust, but now she likes eating up there.


  1. l.o.v.e. it all! I can't decide between those amazing square earring or the pink bracelet as to which one is my favourite. But they are all gorgeous!

  2. Wow. I'm totally digging that bracelet and the purple flower earrings. They're both lovely. However, I know that the wood and blue earrings are the ones that I would end up wearing. You've been busy!

  3. Cute kitty! And what's her name?
    Oh and the jewellery is awesome! As always!

  4. Those flowers are super pretty. V nice in every single way I can think of. MOAR (as the kids say) good stuff!

  5. Thank you. I expect them all to be flying off the shelf at my salon! (At least the flowers will, they are quite popular with Jeanne's clients.)

  6. Look at at your bright, fresh, fun colors! Thank you for sharing your creative streak with us, it has added a bright spot to my day!

  7. Hmmm I really should get a pair of those flowers I think. Maybe. Maybe.

  8. Well if you decide you want them, just email me and let me know :)

  9. Yes, we will see I guess. :/


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